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There are now 50 messages in our guestbook.
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Erin Barnes
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Hey, read on IMDB tonight that you are selling the dvds from the tapes, wanna give me a holler, i'm interested in ALL of THEM! LOL
31 May 2006 - Kansas
Webmaster comments
*just now sees this* I'm sorry, please don't use my guestbook to actually try and contact me, only use it to post comments. Everyone, if you're trying to actually contact me, use my email! Or you'll probably never hear from me, lol. :P |
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Excellent site! Very well-done. ;)
26 May 2006 - US
Webmaster comments
Thank you. :) |
Gabby O
I luv the site! To bad the show is not on air anymore!
24 May 2006 - USA
Webmaster comments
If Cartoon Network still has it maybe they'll air it again sometime... |
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