
Convenience Store
Practically required viewing. Let's go to the convenience store!

Madotsuki vs Poniko

(Japanese title)
Madotsuki and Monoko dance dance party!

(Japanese title)
A short tribute.

(Japanese title)
Yume Nikki Danjo vid. Cross-dressing Uboa for the win!

Alternate Ending
Didn't like the game ending? Maybe this one will suit you better.

(Japanese title)
I have no idea what's going on, but Monoko is in it. Actually, lots of Monokos are in it.

Go My Way
The CGI Monoko from the last video sings and dances. Really.

First Date
Monoko on her first date. Poor Monoko.

Inner Dreams
A montage of YN scenes and fanart.

(Japanese title)
Another montage, all fanart. I believe the song is an original tribute to the game made by the videomaker.

(Japanese title)
Apparently it's a Sayonara Zestubou Sensei I know what that is lol. Thanks to Kage for the link.

Bad Nikki
Holiday-themed YN fanvideo.


This page owned and maintained by C. "Sparky" Read. Yume Nikki was created by Kikiyama who will probably never know this page exists.