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Gwen Squire |
What a great website! i found it when looking for trivia about the movie! the movie came out the year I was born! My childhood bestfriend and I used to watch The Christmas That Almost Wasn't every year on HBO when I was a kid! I had the record and I now have the DVD! I wish they would have included extras, like where are the actors now! This movie, yes it was corny became my favorite Christmas story, next to A Christmas Carol! The ending where the children bring Santa their pennies is my favorite part of the movie! I am glad to know I am the only adult who admits watching the movie and loving it! Thanks for bringing back some great memories!
12 December 2012

Peter |
I just watched this movie for the first time in over twenty years on the DVD I bought from Best Buy a few weeks ago. I was an HBO child with this one. Watched it all the time. Seeing it now I was just tickled pink by the sheer nostalgia of it. When the line, "AND MERRY CHRISTMAS, I DON'T THINK" came up, I started cracking up laughing at the joy of my memory. Next year, I show it to my niece and nephews.
26 December 2011

Ed from NJ |
I keep telling people about this movie and I am amazed I was only 3 when it came out! I remember the ad campaign on TV with the guy on a ladder fixing a lampost looking down and saying "Christmas is not coming this year."in a sad omonius tone
14 December 2011

I saw this movie as a kid in 67 at our local theater, I was 5 I could not wait for December to come around so I could see it again in the theater. Thanks for this great webpage
28 November 2011

This is a wonderful site dedicated to a great classic children's Christmas movie. I am really grateful for the script from this film, I have practically memorized all the lines. LOL

I've seen this movie at least 10 or 20 times in the last 5 years alone. While I'm not sure if today's kids would enjoy it, for those of us who grew up in the 60s or 70s it was great fun. I only had this movie on VHS (taped it off a movie channel many years ago) for quite a while and finally got the DVD after learning of its existence. Then I found another DVD of this same film at a dollar store! So I now have 2 DVDs of this. Additionally, I have the soundtrack also, the CD version with all of the songs. Since there are no vocals at all on the songs, (they were recorded later) they also double as "karaoke" tracks.
3 September 2010

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